Live Your Dream


Live Your Dream ✨

2025 Dates - June 21 - 29, 2025

Address: Soldiers Field Dr SW, Rochester, MN 55902

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Transportation and Parking

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Handicap Parking
Legally marked (painted wheelchair on ground with Handicap signage) east side Soldiers Field/ 2nd Ave SW/Soldiers Field Drive. Veterans Memorial Parking lot. Gibbs Drive.

Rochester City Lines
Thursday June, 27 ONLY* Shuttle from 11AM until 10:00PM on Thursday June 27th.  And will run every 15 minutes. Pickup Location: Pickup on West side of 4th ST by Newbridge Apartments

Residential Street Parking
East side Soldiers Field. 2nd Ave SW. Soldiers Field Drive.

Lot 3, Lot 11, Lot 18 (both), Discovery Ramp, Lot 28, Lot 37, Old Kmart Parking Lot

Golf Course parking lot spots reserved for Golf Course Patrons, Visitors/swimmers to the New Aquatic Center, and Customers of Townies Restaurant. George Gibbs Drive (west of field) for Rochesterfest volunteers, food vendor and staff parking, and handicap parking spots.

Connect with the community

Rochesterfest is committed to promoting and celebrating the city of Rochester and southeast Minnesota annually by connecting people through a variety of wholesome, entertaining community events.


Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

In - Kind Donations