2025 Schedule
2025 Schedule *
Everyday Events
• Park & Rec Trailer
• Field of Flags
• Scavenger Hunt
• Once Upon a Playhouse
• Craft Vendors
• Bounce Houses
36th Annual Country Breakfast on the Farm is back!• 6:15 - 11:30 AM
$8 for Adults
$5 for Kids (5-12)
Free for Kids under 59500 State Highway 30Chatfield, MN
Chester Woods Park- Amphitheater Grand Opening 10 am -4:00 pmFamily Friendly Events including:
• 10 AM. – The Lonely Knees – A three-piece Americana band from SE Minnesota, that is an integral part of the local music scene. (find them on Facebook)
• 11:30 a.m. – Krum Selabak Khmer M’Kut Meas (K.S.K.M.M.) – Rochester Minnesota’s very own classical performing dance group of Watt (temple) Dhamma Visudhi Karam, brought together to build up the Khmer community, create unity, and enlighten the community. (find them on Facebook)
• 1:30 p.m. – Gary Froiland the “One Man Band” – Gary Froiland has enjoyed performing music for 43 years. He plays the 5-string banjo, the guitar, harmonica and the musical saw, plus many other instruments. (Garyfroiland.com)
• 3:00 p.m. – Rochester Community Band – Their mission is to provide an opportunity for life- long musical expression and enjoyment by providing quality and challenging musical experiences for its members, while educating and entertaining family audiences in Southeastern Minnesota. (rochestercommunityband.org)
Sponsored by Olmsted County Parks and the Friends of Chester Woods.
Ignite Your Spark—Senior Shine Day—
All Day—American Veterans Traveling Tribute—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
11:00 am Park and Rec Trailer
11:00 am Bounce Houses Open
11:00 am Once Upon a Playhouse
9:00 am Senior Yoga
10:00 am Cardio Drumming—125 Live
9:00 am The Village Farmers Market
9:00 am Master Gardener Session
10:00 am Vendor Booths all day
10:00 am Bingo
10:00 am Massages
9:00 am Vendor Fair
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
11:00 am Food Vendors all day
11:00 am Music by Resounding Voices
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
12:30 pm Music by The Preserves Band
3:00 pm Music by Salsa Del Soul
5:00 pm Mayor Proclamation/Festival opening
6:00 pm Music by theSoul Train Band
8:30 pm Karaoke
Salute to Veterans and First Responders—
9:00 am Park and Rec Trailer—all day
9:00 am Once Upon a Playhouse—Family Services
11:00 am Bounce Houses—all day
American Veterans Traveling Tribute-All Day—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
11:00 am Food Vendors all day
11:00 am POW Hot Air Balloon demonstration/rides-Liberty Bell
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
10:00 to 1:00 Paws and Claws Pet Adoption Event.
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
Noon Activities from Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force
Noon Vendor Booths—all day
Noon Swing Street Band
Noon Liberty Bell Balloon Rides
Noon Bounce Houses all day
3:00 The Gopher Tones Band
4:00 Magical Afternoon Party
4:00 Camp Victory Laser Tag
5:30 Ceremony to honor Veterans and First Responders Keynote Speaker—
Master of Ceremonies-- Jessie Allison—KTTC
6:00 Senior Softball Game
6:00 fABBALous Band
8:30 Jae Havic Band
Family Fun Day! Noon - 10:00 PM
American Veterans Traveling Tribute-All Day—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
11:00 am-10:00 pm Park and Rec Trailer—all day
11:00 am-10:00 pm Once Upon a Playhouse—Family Services
11:00 am-8:00 pm Food Vendors
11:00 am-10:00 pm Bounce Houses
11:00 am-noon The Community Excellence Awards—KAAL TV
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
11:00 am-10 pm Beer Garden Open
12:00-8:00 pm Non-Profit Day—Vendor Fair
Noon-8:00 pm Family Fun Days
4:00-8:00 Camp Victory Laser Tag
4:00 pm-8:00 pm Captain Kirby Train Rides
4:00 pm-6:30 pm The Honky Tonk Happy Hour
4:00 pm-8:00 pm Community Day Event
6:00-8:00 pm Moonshots Baseball Game
6:00-8:30 pm The high 48’s with Becky Schlegel
8:30 pm-10:00 Karaoke Night
9:00 am American Veterans Traveling Tribute—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
9:00 am Park and Rec Trailer—all day
9:00 am Once Upon a Playhouse—Family Services
10:00-1:00pm Paws and Claws Adoption Event
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
11:00-8:00 pm Food Vendors all day
11:00-10:00pm Bounce Houses—all day
11:30 am KAALTV Weather event
11:00 am Little Buddies Tractor Pull—SPONSORED BY MINNWEST BANK
Noon-8:00 pm Vendor Fair all day
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
Noon-2:30 pm Amanda Grace—Full band
Noon Family Fun Days
3:00 Uptown Jazz Band
4:00 pm Captain Kirby Train Rides
6:00 Date Night/Singles Night Event
6:00 The Rockin Hep Cats Band
8:30 The Jae Havic Band
American Veterans Traveling Tribute—All Day—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
9:00 am Once Upon a Playhouse—Family Services
9:00 am Park and Rec Trailer—all day
10:00 am Dachshund Dash
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
10:00 am Puzzle Contest
10:00 am EA Therapeutic—Run, Walk, and Roll Event
11:00 am Dachshund Dash
11:00 am Food Vendors all day
11:00 am Bounce Houses—all day
11:00 am Pet Events and Activities
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
Noon Nostalgic No Names Band
Noon Family Fun Days
2:00 pm Grand Parade
3:00 pm Captain Kirby Train Rides
3:00 pm Kid’s Adventure Quest
3:00 pm Sister Luv Band
3:00 pm Dream Bubble Dance Party
6:00 pm Incognito Band
8:30 pm Jae Havic Band