2025 Schedule
2025 Schedule *
• Park & Rec Trailer
• Craft Vendors
Everyday Events!
• Field of Flags
• Bounce Houses
• Scavenger Hunt
• Non-Stop Music
Veterans Tribute Wall June 23-29th
36th Annual Country Breakfast on the Farm is back!• 6:15 - 11:30 AM
$8 for Adults
$5 for Kids (5-12)
Free for Kids under 5Family Friendly Events including:
Ignite Your Spark—Senior Shine Day—
All Day—American Veterans Traveling Tribute—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
10:00 am USA Dance Lesson-#2017
11:00 am Park and Rec Trailer
11:00 am Bounce Houses Open
9:00 am Senior Yoga
10:00 am Cardio Drumming—125 Live
9:00 am The Village Farmers Market
9:00 am Master Gardener Session
10:00 am Vendor Booths all day
10:00 am Bingo
10:00 am Massages
9:00 am Vendor Fair
10:00 Pet Events and Activities
11:00 am Food Vendors all day
11:00 am Music by Resounding Voices
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
12:30 pm Music by The Preserves Band
3:00 pm Music by Salsa Del Soul
5:00 pm Mayor Proclamation/Festival opening
6:00 pm Music by theSoul Train Band
8:30 pm Karaoke
Salute to Veterans and First Responders
9:00 am Park and Rec Trailer—all day
11:00 am Bounce Houses—all day
11:00 am USA Dance Lesson #2017
American Veterans Traveling Tribute-All Day—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
11:00 am Food Vendors all day
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
10:00 Paws and Claws Pet Adoption Event.
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
Noon Activities from Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force
Noon Vendor Booths—all day
Noon Swing Street Band
4:00 Liberty Bell Balloon Rides
Noon Bounce Houses all day
3:00 The Gopher Tones Band
4:00 Magical Afternoon Party
4:00 Camp Victory Laser Tag
5:30 Ceremony to honor Veterans and First Responders Keynote Speaker—
Master of Ceremonies-- Jessie Allison—KTTC
6:00 fABBALous Band
8:30 Jae Havic Band
Family Fun Day! Noon - 10:00 PM
American Veterans Traveling Tribute-All Day—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
11:00 am-10:00 pm Park and Rec Trailer—all day
11:00 am-8:00 pm Food Vendors
11:00 am USA Dance Lesson #2017
11:00 am-10:00 pm Bounce Houses
11:00 am-noon The Community Excellence Awards—KAAL TV
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
11:00 am-10 pm Beer Garden Open
12:00-8:00 pm Non-Profit Day—Vendor Fair
Noon-8:00 pm Family Fun Days
4:00-8:00 Camp Victory Laser Tag
4:00 pm-8:00 pm Captain Kirby Train Rides
4:00 pm-6:30 pm The Honky Tonk Happy Hour
4:00 pm-8:00 pm Community Day Event
6:00-8:00 pm Moonshots Baseball Game
6:00-8:30 pm The high 48’s with Becky Schlegel
8:30 pm-10:00 Karaoke Night
9:00 am American Veterans Traveling Tribute—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
9:00 am Park and Rec Trailer—all day
10:00-1:00pm Paws and Claws Adoption Event
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
11:00-8:00 pm Food Vendors all day
11:00-10:00pm Bounce Houses—all day
11:30 am KAALTV Weather event
11:00 am Little Buddies Tractor Pull—SPONSORED BY MINNWEST BANK
Noon-8:00 pm Vendor Fair all day
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
Noon-2:30 pm Amanda Grace—Full band
Noon Family Fun Days
3:00 Uptown Jazz Band
4:00 pm Captain Kirby Train Rides
6:00 Date Night/Singles Night Event
6:00 The Rockin Hep Cats Band
8:30 The Jae Havic Band
American Veterans Traveling Tribute—All Day—Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.
9:00 am Park and Rec Trailer—all day
10:00 to 1:00 Pet Events and Activities
10:00 am Puzzle Contest
10:00 am EA Therapeutic—Run, Walk, and Roll Event
11:00 am Dachshund Dash
11:00 am USA Dance Lesson #2017
11:00 am Food Vendors all day
11:00 am Bounce Houses—all day
11:00 am Pet Events and Activities
11:00 am Beer Garden Open
Noon Nostalgic No Names Band
Noon Family Fun Days
2:00 pm Grand Parade
3:00 pm Captain Kirby Train Rides
3:00 pm Kid’s Adventure Quest
3:00 pm Sister Luv Band
3:00 pm Dream Bubble Dance Party
6:00 pm Incognito Band
8:30 pm Jae Havic Band