Frequently Asked Questions
Rochesterfest runs from June 21-29th, 2025. The actual festival will be from June 24th to June 28th.
Several local organizations hold their events shortly before or after Rochesterfest. In the2024, these included:
· Country Breakfast on the Farm
· Chester Woods Park-Amphitheater Grand Opening
· All of the Rochesterfest events are located at Soldier’s Field. Some of the related events are located across SE Minnesota.
· GREAT QUESTION. —If you or your business would like to sponsor one of our bands or activities, that would be great. Reach out to Randy Stocker at 5072858769 for details. If your organization has any type of grant program that Rochesterfest could apply for, let Randy know as well.
Non-stop music from noon to 10:00 pm every day. We will be adding a dance floor in 2025 for those who like to “shake a rug”.
The return of the Bubble Dance party. This was so much fun in 2024, we will do it again.
· Laser Tag
· Fire Trucks and Police Cars
· Arts and Craft Activities
· Dance Lessons
· Magical Afternoon Party with the princesses
· Running and walking events
· Puzzle Contests
· Grand Parade
· Much, Much more
America's Freedom Tribute
Sr. Softball Exhibition Game
Senior Yoga
Cardio Drumming
The Village Farmers Market
Pet Activities and Events-Daily
Bounce Houses
Photo Booths
POW Hot Air Balloons
Three Adoption Events
Moonshots Baseball Game
Karaoke Nights
Little Buddies Tractor Pull
We are working to provide a shuttle service from area parking lots to and from Soldier’s Field. More details in June. Thursdays on Maine ends at 8:00 pm. We invite you to Rochesterfest for two more hours of music and fun.
Yes—we will have several port-a-pots available for public use. They will be positioned at and around Soldier’s Field throughout Rochesterfest. We will also have ADA compliant wash stations.
· The parade route can be found at www.rochesterfest.com/parade. We will be using the same parade route in 2025 that we used in 2024. Our goal is to have more bands (Live music) and more parade entries. We are asking each entry to use “IGNITE YOUR SPARK” as their theme.
There will not be a rain date for the 2025 parade.
Rochesterfest is free and open to the public. Eighteen live bands with unbelievable performers for your listening entertainment during the week. There is never a cost to attend our amazing celebration.
Some vendors will charge for specific activities like Laser Tag, Face Painting, etc.
Absolutely. We have seventeen different bands performing in 2025. Live music will start at noon and go until 10 pm each day. Some of the new bands include:
Resounding Voices
The Preserves
Soul Train
The Gopher Tones
The Jae Havic Band
Honky Tonk Happy Hour
The High 48’s with Becky Schlegel
Amanda Grace—Full band.
Rockin Hep Cats
Sister Luv
Push and Turn Band.
Uptown Jazz
· There will be an ATM machine next to the beer tent on the NW side of the track.
Parking has always been a concern. In 2024, Mayo Clinic allowed us to use five of their parking lots. Randy is also working on a shuttle plan from various parking lots around town.
· Parking – Surrounding Residential street parking. East side Soldiers Field/ 2nd Ave SW/Soldiers Field Drive.
· George Gibbs Drive (west of field) reserved for Rochesterfest volunteers, Food vendor and staff parking, Handicap parking spots.
· Golf Course parking lot spots reserved for Golf Course Patrons, Visitors/swimmers to the New Aquatic Center, Customers of Townies Restaurant.
· Handicap Parking – Legally marked (painted wheelchair on ground with Handicap signage) east side Soldiers Field/ 2nd Ave SW/Soldiers Field Drive. Veterans Memorial Parking lot. Gibbs Drive.
We are encouraging festival attendees to “ride their bikes” to Rochesterfest. We will provide additional bike racks. We are also planning to offer a “bike service” station to help resolve any small bike repair issues.
· Yes—There will be parking on George Gibbs Drive (West of the Track) for Rochesterfest volunteers, food vendors, and staff parking, and handicap parking. Please do not park on the golf course parking lot spots reserved for Golf Course patrons, Swimmers at the Aquatic Center, and customers of Townies Restaurant.
Some do and some do not. Please ask before you make any purchases. They should have a sign displayed on their vehicles if they accept credit cards and what type they accept. We will also have an ATM close by.
Bring your children and grandchildren. Bring you grandparents and friends.
Consider holding your family reunion or business event during Rochesterfest. We can supply the entertainment—you supply the people.
Items to bring:
Lawn Chair, blankets, and your Rochesterfest button. Sun tan lotion and hats are also recommended.
· No money can be refunded by any vendor or at the beer tent.
We need 354 volunteers to make Rochesterfest a success. Volunteer are needed inthe following areas:
—Beer Tent—25-30 needed
—Information Booth—25-30 needed
—Grande Parade—50 -60 needed
—Event Management-10-15 needed
—Parking Management—12-15 needed
—America’s Freedom Tribute—60-80 manhours needed.
Lots of volunteer opportunities are available for both individuals and groups. Reach out to us at 507.285.8769 to volunteer. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Members of the Rochesterfest Board created a list of 5-10 potential Grand Marshals. We also asked several local organizations to provide ideas. The board then voted on the top three contenders and the Executive Director reached out to make the offer.
We looked for a person that will encourage our them “Ignite Your Spark”.
● Yes, KAAL TV will show the parade live. It will also be recorded for future viewing. We are also attempting to broadcast the parade on our Video Billboards located at Soldier’s Field.
●Yes, the Rochester police department will provide security after 5:00 pm daily. We will also have overnight security each day of Rochesterfest. The police and others will also provide security during the Grande Parade.
● There will be access to first aid at the information booth.
● Absolutely not. Please support our food vendors and beer truck. Rochesterfest needs to raise a substantial amount of money to fund the many free events offered during the festival. PLEASE PLEASE support our vendors.
We are bringing in a “Monster Tent” for 2025 Rochesterfest. This tent is provided by Majestic Tent Rental in Rochester. We will also have three other tents at Soldier’s Field. If the rain comes-we will move the music onto our second stage—under the big tent.
If we need to cancel or postpone any activities, the media will help us get the word out. Our Facebook and web page will also share any immediate updates.
● Yes, Rochesterfest is for families and pet’s are part of our families. In 2025, we will encourage you to bring your pets—mostly dogs—to Rochesterfest. They will need to be on a leash and you will need to clean up after them.
We will also have some pet stations available for shade, water, and fun.
In 2025, we will have pet events—training, activites, and educational events everyday from 10-1:00 pm.