The "Everyone Can...Run, Walk & Roll" is a family friendly, inclusive 1 mile or 5K event to benefit EA Therapeutic Health (also known as ExercisAbilities, Inc) program access. With your help, WE CAN meet 100% of financial accessibility needs to make healthy possible!
This event will be held on Saturday, June 29th as a part of Rochesterfest 2024 at Soldier's Field Park! Check in begins at 10 AM, with a "Walk with a Doc" short presentation at 10:30 AM followed by the run, walk & roll at 10:45 AM.
Help us reach event peer fundraising goal of $10,000! You can register individually or create a team for others to join you in supporting EA! We encourage all individuals and team leaders to create a fundraising page to share your event journey with others and to help EA fundraise additional dollars.
Please registration ahead of time! Registration includes an initial required donation of $25 for adults and $15 for children (register by June 10th and get an event Tshirt!).
Supporting local ExercisAbilities, Inc